Martha Farquard- Riddell

So there is a whole host of reasons as to why the gays like having pets, pseudo children/companionship/fashion accessory?? but the secret cannot be hidden that we love our pussy's and bitches!
for more reasons than not just to have the opportunity to name them after our favourite diva's and other gayified characters, i know of gays pets named, "mamma cass" and "dolly" to name a couple! i personally want a dog called "wanker" just to have an excuse to shout it out in public!
you only have to see how much the rule of love me love my dog goes such a long way in gay world, pets are allowed to appear in your manhunt profile pic where as no-one else is allowed to!!!
so here is to our gay pets! and just to irk the catholics that think that we impart our gay agenda and assimilate all innocents we come into contact with! it maybe true because ive gotta say that pets do take on the characteristics of their owners!
So Pope Benedict hear this We are taking over the world and we are raising an army of Hamsters, Cats, Snakes, Rabbits, Dogs and even Turtles to fight you!