5: Pants. Red ones, gold ones, silver ones, black ones, pink ones they come in all colours and widths i am of course talking about designer underwear waistbands that are on show on much of the gay population! gays have embraced designer underwear since the days of marky mark in those early calvin klien adverts all the way through to Beckham, Ronaldo and Freddie Ljunberg in all their homoerotic posing in their crotch stuffing tightness glory! with pants population at an all time high, gays pants drawers are bursting at the seems! no tent polling pun intended! and the fashion producers of pants have fully embraced the power of our pink pound and by that i'm going far beyond the muscle toned lunchbox bulging model on the front of the packaging, as if us gays would be so fickle to buy underwear solely based on the attractiveness of the male model!! we all go for brains after all don't we?? but with so many brands of pants being launched online and in shops aimed at us gays you can never go wrong, you can even buy some designed by Kylie's gay bangle so you can pretend to be a kylie backing dancer whilst shaking your toushy! Now i know that we don;t all have the six ab toned stomach of these models but designer pants are the quickest and often cheapest way to ascend to the hotter ways of attractiveness and remember wearing a hot pair of pants is always the safer option for a number of reasons 1: if you get lucky and pull, do you really want to be caught out in your holey, ripped stained primark boxers, 2: Unconious in Hospital! now for a variety of reasons of how you would find yourself in this situation i will live it up to your imagination. but its the reason that a hot doctor has to cut off your jeans to operate would you rather him find hot pants or your grosse five ye

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