Tuesday, 19 January 2010

2: Apple Products! Nowadays your a nobody until you have an I something or other and by that I'm clearly talking about Iphones Ipods, Nano's, shuffles and touch's and not forgetting Mac books and pro's. Now i understand that straights are also big fans of itunes and its many products but is there a product more designed for a gay man than an Iphone! a phone with all the mod cons that new phones have, cameras to take pictures of yourself for online profiles and ipod abilities to play all your music whilst working out
at the gym and more apps than you can shake your d**k at! work out apps to improve your abs, holiday apps and most importantly there is the app that the iphone was invented for and what cements its place on this gay list and that is Grindr (gaydar) for the iphone generation!

where you can cruise guys anywhere you are and find out how close they are to you, if you're lucky within meters! (sadly my Jack from lost look-a-like neighbor isn't on there) so you can cruise the talent at the next bar before you even arrive, why worry about that opening chat up line where you can fit in "hey what you looking for?" from across the bar and more often than not get a glimpse of what's under that top before you even possibly talk to them! why risk rejection!!

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